Tuesday, June 28, 2016

My Favorite Body Part poems

Today one of the teachers shared a lesson that builds self confidence while teaching students literacy skills. She shared poems from a book called The Best Part of Me by Wendy Ewald after talking a little about why she liked her smile. In groups, we read another example poem with its photo included and talked about what we noticed about how the poems were put together and what they inclued. Most focused on what the body part does more than what it looks like, with rhyme patterns, similes, and repetition to bring the practical uses to life.

When we tried out the lesson, I decided to write about my left knee, the one I've injured at least four times. The first left me with a large scar that dimples when I straighten my leg. It looks like a crescent moon waxing when I straighten my leg and waning when I bend it. The scar and the residual symptoms of three falls directly on the knee seem only painful, but they also remind me of moments in my life and places I've lived. That's what my poem is about (and may be shared when it's finished).

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