My second trip to St. Louis was a work trip for the advanced institute our Eastern Illinois Writing Project is hosting this year. During the trip, we reviewed our assessment data and made a few changes to our calendar, and, after my co-director left, wrote our mid-year report.
Here's the agenda:
2017 C3WP
Advanced Institute Mid-Year Meeting

St. Louis, MO Friday, November 17, 2017
Welcome, Overview, Goals of the Meeting Writing into the Meeting
Writing Prompt: Take a few minutes to revisit the C3WP Design Principles. What
MajesticD MajesticAB MajesticAB
have you noticed about how this program impacts teachers’ teaching practices?
How might you describe that impact to an outside audience? What about C3WP makes it so important that all teachers in your area should have access to it?
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Formative Assessment in C3WP: Mining the Using Sources Tool Data
Majestic AB
BREAK (and move)
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Breakouts: Planning Responsive Professional Development
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Based on your baseline UST data, morning discussions about the work, and your knowledge of the needs of your AI participants, select the breakout sessions that you think will support you in the next PD steps for your Advanced Institute.
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Breakout Sessions: Round One
Breakout #1:
Strategies for Teaching the Harris Moves
Rachel Bear,
National Writing Project
Majestic F
Breakout #2:
Experience a C3WP InstructionalResource: Self-SelectedResearch
Finding a Topic and Researching the Conversation
Sarah Woodard, Denver Writing Project
Majestic G
Breakout #3:
Leveraging C3WP Resources to Foster SiteSustainability
Carla Truttman, NorthernCalifornia Writing Project
Majestic H
Breakout #4:
Timing and Sequencing C3WP InstructionalResources: Adapting with Integrity
Cecilia Pattee,Boise StateWriting Project
Majestic AB
12:00-1:00 Lunch Majestic D
1:00-2:15 Breakout Sessions: Round Two
Breakout #1:
Experience a C3WP Instructional Resource: Ranking Evidence
Rachel Bear,
National Writing Project
Majestic F
Breakout #2:
Experience a C3WP Instructional Resource: Self-Selected Research
Finding a Topic and Researching theConversation
Sarah Woodard, Denver Writing Project
Majestic G
Breakout #3:
Leveraging C3WP Resources to Foster SiteSustainability
Carla Truttman, NorthernCalifornia Writing Project
Majestic H
Breakout #4:
Revision Resources
Cecilia Pattee,Boise StateWriting Project
Majestic AB
2:15-2:30 Break (and move)
2:30-3:45 Discussions with Thinking Partners Majestic AB
Writing Prompt for MidYear Interim
Narrative Report:
Write a story about one or more Advanced Institute participants who are emerging as leaders in their understanding of C3WP. Discuss why you would identify them as leaders, including how you know they have an understanding of the C3WP program design principles and instructional resources design principles. Finally, describe your plan for utilizing these leaders in C3WP professional development moving forward.
Breakout #1:
Rachel Bear, National Writing Project
Majestic F
Breakout #2:
Sarah Woodard, Denver Writing Project
Majestic G
Breakout #3:
Carla Truttman, Northern California Writing Project
Majestic H
Breakout #4:
Cecilia Pattee, Boise Writing Project
Majestic AB
4:00-4:30 Closure, Calendar, Next Steps, Exit Ticket Majestic AB
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